To register, please fill out and submit the REGISTRATION FORM (HERE) made available by the travel agency Abreu Events Portugal (for questions about the registration form, please contact The conference registration fee must be paid in EUROS through wire transfer or credit card. Expenses associated with the transfer will be paid by the authors.
The registration fees for CONTROLO’2022 are:

Each accepted paper(s) requires at least one full fee registration to be included in the conference program and in the conference proceedings. One full fee registration allows a maximum of 2 accepted papers. For the second paper an extra 150 Euros fee will be charged.
Authors registration date: please check important dates here.
To apply for a Student fee the following documentation is required: copy of the student card or formal letterhead documentation with supervisor name.
To apply for a APCA/Partner fee, proof of the up-to-date membership is required. The Partner institutions are:
- IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)
- CEA (Comité Español de Automática);
- SBA (Sociedade Brasileira de Automática);
- SPR (Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica);
- SPEE (Sociedade Portuguesa de para a Educação em Engenharia);
- ISA Portugal Section.
A full or student registration fee includes:
- Attendance to all conference sessions;
- Full set of conference materials;
- Lunches and coffee-breaks;
- Welcome reception.
A full registration fee also includes:
- Gala dinner.
Accompanying person registration fee includes:
- Welcome reception;
- Gala dinner.
Liability and Insurance
Conference fee does not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that participants purchase their insurances in their country of origin. Conference Secretariat and Organizing Institutions are not able to take any responsibility, whatsoever, for injury or damage to persons or property during the meeting.